demenageur de lannee 2011
demenageur de lannee 2011

Moving insurance

Moving insurance

Moving insurance

Because we are leaders of the moving industry in Canada, we can assure you that all necessary efforts will be deployed to transport your furniture and domestic effects in a secure manner to your new residence. Nevertheless, accidents can happen and we strongly suggest you consider one of the 2 protection plans offered by Allied Van Lines.


Agreed rate of responsibility

If you choose not to buy our replacement cost protection, by virtue of the law, the maximum responsibility of Allied Van Lines, in case of loss or damage, will be of 2,00 $ per pound per item in the province of Quebec and 0,60 $ in other canadian provinces. This protection is automatically included in the rate of your move. Allied does not recommend to ship your domestic effects at the agreed rate, for this cover is clearly inferior to the replacement cost of most domestic items. The agreed rate responsibility is mostly suited for people without other forms of insurance.

Replacement cost protection (moving insurance recommended by Allied Van Lines)

The replacement cost protection offered by Allied is the most simple way to protect your domestic effects at a very reasonable cost. This means that if an item is damaged while in the care of Allied under the replacement cost protection, Allied will repair the article or if it is not possible to do so or if the article is lost, Allied will replace it by a similar item of equivalent quality.

Every carrier of domestic effects is ruled by federal and provincial regulations. Because the nature of the shipped effects varies from articles of superior value to easily replaceable items, many conditions apply to the settling of complaints under the replacement cost protection. For more information, please contact your consultant.


Your television of 30 pounds is dropped. You paid 700 $ 4 years ago. Today, a televisoin of equivalent quality would cost 725 $.

Agreed rate responsibility

At a rate of 2,00 $ per pound, the carrier will either pay the cost of the repair or the replacement of the television up to a limit of 60,00 $ (30 lbs at 2,00 $ per pound per item).

Replacement cost protection

The carrier will pay the cost of the repair, or if the repair is impossible, will pay 725 $ to replace the television by a similar model of equivalent quality. If the carrier offers an amount to settle the complaint, the damaged article becomes the property of the carrier for his recuperation value. A road accident or serious fire could cause the total destruction of your goods. Allied Van Lines is concerned about protecting you for the real cost of replacement of all your furniture and personal effects.

Transportation conditions & responsibility exclusions

The settlement of your complaint is under the conditions printed on the back of your bill of lading. There are several responsibility exclusions wether you choose the replacement cost protection or the agreed rate responsibility offered by Allied. You should take the time to read these exclusions and contact your consultant for any question or concern.